Under Birthdays and Anniversaries you'll find any contact-based events.

Also birthdays, anniversaries, etc. which were stored without contact are displayed there.

To configure birthday settings go to MENU : settings : Birthdays and Anniversaries.

Showing / hiding the aCalendar birthdays and anniversaries in the calendar itself can be configured under manage calendars.

Search and Sorting

You'll find events sorted by event type with tab-navigation at the top.

With the buttons in the title bar you can:

  • search for a specific event
  • sort the events alphabetically or by date

Adding new birthdays and anniversaries

To add a new contact-based or contact-less birthday (or anniversary, etc.) simply press the plus button at the bottom right.

You can also add a birthday from the calendar views by long press or press the ENTER key in the event editor in the empty title field.

When creating, you can select above whether it should be an entry in a contact or in a calendar.

In order to set the year of birth, you can press on the year in the date dialogue at the top.