CHANGELOG for version 2.0.2 (rolling out Tue, Dec. 10)

  • fix all reproducible crashes reported through Google Play
  • mark tasks done in ALL list
  • Tasks icon ON/OFF
  • sort tasks in calendar views by list
  • ALL tasks list for ALL accounts
  • date for today's tasks not always shown when not grouped as TODAY
  • fix scroll issues in month view
  • birthdays without contacts with contacts permission is missing
  • tasks missing after restart when contacts persmission is missing
  • share tasks as list
  • default task list
  • mismatch of Google colors peacock and lavender
  • early timed events before all day events in east-asian or asia/pacific timezones
  • birthday search
  • day widget transparency at 100%
  • RTL-language issue in month and week view
  • non-DST timezones missing in selection list
  • multiple "primary calendars" in multiple accounts
  • Duplicate birthdays from subscribed Google birthday calendar
  • birthdays without contact before 1970
  • filter out multiple holidays subscribed from multiple account
  • ICS export timezone
  • ICS import with multiple events
  • Austrian holidays
  • Wrong shading in week widget
  • add notifications grow in time
  • info/warning at bottom in calendar list overlaps content 
  • webex links not clickable
  • fix overlapping events issue